
We are always proud to share the projects we have worked on, and we would gladly invite you to contact us for further information. All of our projects are equally important to us, no matter how big or small these CAPEX projects are. It is about delivering quality projects by our committed team. When a client reports being satisfied and happy with the work we have done it is because we exceeded expectations and we have our jobs well. This is our aim for every assignment we complete. Our completed projects

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Project CodeProject ImageProject NameProject CategoryStart DateEnd DateDonorStatus
ADB00151Mainstreaming climate resilient development and green growth in the in ADB operations in BangladeshMar-2015Dec-2015ADB logo stackedCompleted
BCS00135 GIZ001Analyze the Climate finance flow through ERD and develop and conduct a training on Climate finance instruments (with NDC and SDG linkage) to access different Jan-2019Dec-2019gizCompleted
BDP0013Road Safety in BangladeshJan-2016Jul-2016bangladesh bankCompleted
BRC0014 BRC001Moving Towards "Climate Smart" BRACNov-2012Dec-2012brac-logo-big-1038x545Completed
BRC0025. BRC002Climate-Smart Livelihood Options for Ultra Poor womenJan-2013Feb-2013brac-logo-big-1038x545Completed
BRC0036. BRC003Access to Safe Drinking Water in Coastal Areas of BangladeshNov-2013Dec-2014brac-logo-big-1038x545Completed
BRC004c3er All ProjectsMoving Towards Climate Smart BRAC: Strategies and Action Plans in District LevelJul-2013Jun-2014brac-logo-big-1038x545Completed
c3er All Projects
BRC005c3er All ProjectsWater Sources Census in Tala UpazilaFeb-2015Mar-2015brac-logo-big-1038x545Completed
BRC0069. BRC006Promoting Climate Adaptation TechnologyApr-2015Jun-2015brac-logo-big-1038x545Completed
BRC00710. BRC007Women and Climate Change AdaptationMay-2015Aug-2015brac-logo-big-1038x545Completed
BRC00811Increase and/or Transmission of MALARIA: Role of Climate ChangeFeb-2016Apr-2016brac-logo-big-1038x545Completed
BRC00912. BRC009Capture and assess best CwC practices in disaster response and recoveryJan-2017Apr-2017brac-logo-big-1038x545Completed
BRC01013. BRC010Disaster Risk FinancingJan-2019Mar-2019brac-logo-big-1038x545Completed
BRC01114. BRC011Developing a Case study on BRAC's Best Practices on CCA & MigrationOct-2019Nov-2019brac-logo-big-1038x545Completed
BRC01215. BRC012Reviewing Reports and ReportJan-2020Jan-2020brac-logo-big-1038x545Completed
BRC01316. BRC013Inclusive and Climate Resilient Urban Planing and Local Governance focusing on SDG'sDec-2019Jan-2020brac-logo-big-1038x545Completed
BRC01417. BRC014Conducting outcome survey of the BHP early warning dissemination on the cyclone amphan Oct-2020Nov-2020brac-logo-big-1038x545Completed
BRC01518. BRC015Inclusive Planning, Municipal Governance and Climate Change & Disaster ResilienceJan-2020Feb-2020brac-logo-big-1038x545Completed
C&A00119 C&A001Participatory Factory Mapping ResearchJan-2015Apr-2015cropped-cropped-png-1.pngCompleted
CCD001CCD001Developing Training Module for CCDB Climate Change Training Programme.Knowledge ManagementApr-2017Jul-2017ccdbCompleted
CDM001CDM001Multi Hazard Risk Atlas for 10 selected Upazila in BangladeshInformation technology, R&VAug-2013Sep-2013UNDPCompleted
CDM002CDM002Preparation of Local Level Risk ATLAS for UPAZILAInformation technology, R&VFeb-2015May-2015UNDPCompleted
CRE001CRE001Scoping and structural assesment of the state of multi-purpose cyclone shelters and landslide shelters in Cox's BazarR&VFeb-2019Mar-2019care bangladeshCompleted
CRE002CRE002scoping assesment of PRERONA projects structural and Environmental sustainabilityR&VJun-2019Aug-2019care bangladeshCompleted
CRE003CRE003Review USAID's PRERONA ActivityR&VAug-2021Aug-2021care bangladeshCompleted
CST001CST001Collaborative Adaptation Research Initiative in Africa and Asia (CARIAA)Climate Change AdaptationJun-2013Sep-2013cstepCompleted
DoE001DoE001Third National Communication ProjectPolicy Institution & GovernanceJun-2015Dec-2016DoECompleted
DoE002DoE002Third National Communication Project Activity 5Policy Institution & GovernanceJun-2015Dec-2016DoECompleted
DoE003DoE003Third National Communication Project Activity 3Policy Institution & GovernanceJun/2015Mar/2017DoE
ESP001ESP001Stakeholder workshop for ESPA projectNature Resource ManagementNov-2017Mar-2018espa-logoCompleted
EUU001EUU001Growth and Climate Change: Opportunities and Challenges in BangladeshKnowledge ManagementOct/2015Dec/2015Europe
GeW001GeW001Development of work programme on Loss and Damage for Bangladesh: Stakeholder Mapping and scopingLoss & DamageDec-2011Jan-2012german watchCompleted
GIZ001GIZ001Strengthening Governance in Wetland Management PoliciesKnowledge ManagementJul-2012May-2013gizCompleted
GIZ002GIZ002A study develop potential policy linkages and policy architecture for climate change adaptation and related policies in Bangladesh.Knowledge ManagementNov-2017Mar-2018gizCompleted
GIZ003GIZ003To Priotize and select key contents from the exisiting traning ACCNLDP Knowledge ManagementJul-2021Oct-2021gizCompleted
GIZ004GIZ004Module Development and Organizing a Training of Trainers (ToT) on Climate Change Project Proposal Development, Including Video TutorialsKnowledge ManagementDec-2021Apr-2022gizOngoing
GIZ005GIZ005Climate Change in Bangladesh module to GIZ-OECD Adaptation manual and roll out the trainingKnowledge ManagementJan-2019Jul-2019gizCompleted
GRP001GRP001Floating Houses: CommunityBased Flood Resilience Innovations in BangladeshLoss & Damage, Local Led AdvocacyJan-2017Jun-2018KPMG indiaCompleted
IDC001IDC001Climate Resilient Sustainable Coastal Forestry in BangladeshLoss & DamageOct-2019Apr-2020IDCOL-LOGOOngoing
IDC002IDC002Promoting private sector investment through large-scale adaption of energy-saving technologies and equipment for the garment sector in Bangladesh.Loss & DamageIDCOL-LOGOCompleted
IED001IED001A range of approaches to address loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change in BangladeshLoss & DamageMar-2012Mar-2013IIEDCompleted
IED002IED002A range of approaches to address loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change induced slow onset eventsLoss & DamageAug-2012Jan-2013IIEDCompleted
IFC001IFC001Enhancing Agro Water Productivity and Mitigating Salinity Intrusion Scoping Study, South West regionNature Resource ManagementMay-2018Dec-2018IFCCompleted
IGS001IGS001The Role of Governance against Climate Change Induced MigrationPolicy Institution & Governance, MigrationJun-2012May-2013ansaCompleted
IOM001IOM001Social Cost of Migration on Children Left Behind due to Labour MigrationMigrationDec-2015Oct-2016IOMCompleted
IRB001LSC001Roadmap for setting up the policy, legal and institutional framework in mainstreaming climate change adaptation on the national planning trajectoryPolicy Institution & GovernanceMar-2014Mar-2015islamic releifCompleted
LSC001LSC001Community supported mechanism for harvesting of soil (clay) for Lafarge Surma Cement Ltd. R&VJul-2013Sep-2013LAFARGECompleted
OXF001OXF001Study on Impacts of Climatic and Non-Climatic Shocks to Communities and their Livelihood ActivitiesR&VFeb-2015Mar-2015oxfamCompleted
OXF002OXF002Achieving Resilience through Inclusive Community Based OrganizationsClimate Change AdaptationNov-2016Mar-2017oxfamCompleted
PKS001PKS001Climate Finance Transparency Mechanism (CFTM)Climate FinanceJan-2017Apr-2018british councilCompleted
PKS002PKS002Climate Induced MigrationClimate FinanceApr-2019Sep-2019british councilCompleted
PKS003PKS003Climate Finance Transperancy Mechanism (CFTM)Climate FinanceMay-2018Dec-2019british councilCompleted
PKS005PKS005Climate Finance Transperancy Mechanism (CFTM)Climate FinanceDec-2019Oct-2021british councilCompleted
PLC001PLC001Preparing Sector Action Plan on "Environment & Climate ChangePolicy Institution & GovernanceSep-2020Dec-2020Bangladesh govtCompleted
STC001STC001Conducting a Study on Haor Advocacy Nature Resource ManagementMay-2018Sep-2019save the childrenCompleted
UND001UND001Developing a bankable project proposal on Adaptation Initiative for Climate Vulnerable Offshore Small Island and Charland in BangladeshLoss & Damage, R&VNov-2016Jan-2017UNDPCompleted
UND002UND002Conduct three Feasibility Studies on Halda RiverNature Resource Management, R&VSep-2017Dec-2017UNDPCompleted
UND003UND003Formulation for Bangladesh National Adaptation Plan, ensure the climate change adaptation (CCA) is mainstreamed into the national planning process, building capacity, including the formulation of institutional mechanism and financing (NAP)Knowledge ManagementSep-2020Sep-2021UNDPCompleted
UND004UND004Training on CCA mainstreaming and Bankable Project Development Skills (CCA)Knowledge ManagementSep-2020Mar-2021UNDPCompleted
UND005UND005Update and enhancing NDCs by 2020 for Bangladesh (NDC)Policy Institution & GovernanceSep-2020Feb-2021UNDPCompleted
WAB001WAB001Advancing Water security of Marginalized Communities living along Karnali-Ganges river basin in Nepal, India and BangladeshGerder InclusionJul-2016Sep-2017water aidCompleted
WAB002WRB001Advancing Water security of Marginalized Communities living along Karnali-Ganges river basin in Nepal, India and BangladeshGerder Inclusion, UrbanJul-2016Sep-2017the world bankCompleted
WRB001WRB001Pro-Poor Slum Integration Project (PPSIP)Gerder Inclusion, UrbanOct-2014Dec-2014the world bankCompleted
WRB002WRB002Technical analysis symbiosis opportunities in the BSMSN economic zone-BangladeshClimate Change MitigationJan-2021Oct-2021the world bankCompleted
WWF001WWF001Legislative Gap Analysis - Water in BangladeshPolicy Institution & GovernanceMay-2014Dec-2014concern worldwideCompleted
FAO001FAO001Background Paper and National Stakeholder Dialogue on Private Sector engagement in Climate Actions: Focus on Private Sector Investment in AFOLU SectorNature Resource ManagementApr-2022Jul-2022FAOOngoing
BCT001BCT001Strengthening Gender-Responsive Climate Actions in BangladeshPolicy Institution & GovernanceJan-2022Dec-2022BcctCompleted
EMK001EMK001Climate Story Lab South AsiaKnowledge ManagementMay-2022May-2022EMK foundationCompleted
BRU001BRU001Ethnic communities in Bangladesh: Their struggle against adverse impact of climate change.Gerder InclusionApr-2022Mar-2023cropped-cropped-png-1.pngOngoing
KPG001KPG001Bangladesh PPP Support: Technical Support to The Public Private Partnerships Authority to Strengthen the PPP Enabling Environment & Identify A Pipeline of Priority PPP ProjectsOtherAug-2022Jun-2023KPMG indiaOngoing
GIZ006GIZ006Conducting Training on Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Development Planning in BangladeshKnowledge ManagementSep-2022Mar-2023gizOngoing
GIZ007GIZ007Development of Climate Change Project Proposals for International FundingKnowledge ManagementDec-2022May-2023gizOngoing
GCA001GCA001Scale up adaptation for resilient infrastructure, with a focus on building capacity to integrate climate adaptation and resilience into infrastructure projects in BangladeshInformation technologyDec-2022Dec-2024GCAOngoing
ADB002ADB002Investing in Climate Change Adaptation through Agro-ecological Landscape Restoration: A NatureBased Solution for Climate Resilience-2 Climate Change Risk and Adaptation/Restoration Option Assessment in Bangladesh (53348-001)Local Led AdvocacyDec-2022Feb-2024ADB logo stackedOngoing
CED001CED001Impact of Climate Change on RMG Workers in BangladeshR&VJan-2023Mar-2023brac-logo-big-1038x545Completed
BPL001BPL001To Reduce Road Traffic Accidents in Relation to Achieve SDG: Challenges and StrategiesOtherMar-2023May-2024bangladesh policeOngoing
CDD002CDD002Inclusive Impact Chain Analysis for Risk-Informed Development Planning for Healthcare Sector in Bangladesh, (ICA & RID) ProjectPolicy Institution & Governance, Gerder Inclusion, R&VApr-2023Jun-2023CDDOngoing
NCM001NCM001USAID's Ecosystem Conservation through Livelihood Improvement and Forest Enhancement (ECO LIFE) ActivityKnowledge ManagementApr-2023Apr-2023NACOMOngoing
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Project CodeProject ImageProject NameProject CategoryStart DateEnd DateDonorStatus
GIZ004GIZ004Module Development and Organizing a Training of Trainers (ToT) on Climate Change Project Proposal Development, Including Video TutorialsKnowledge ManagementDec-2021Apr-2022gizOngoing
IDC001IDC001Climate Resilient Sustainable Coastal Forestry in BangladeshClimate FinanceOct-2019Apr-2020IDCOL-LOGOOngoing
FAO001FAO001Background Paper and National Stakeholder Dialogue on Private Sector engagement in Climate Actions: Focus on Private Sector Investment in AFOLU SectorNature Resource ManagementApr-2022Jul-2022FAOOngoing
BRU001BRU001Ethnic communities in Bangladesh: Their struggle against adverse impact of climate change.Gerder InclusionApr-2022Mar-2023cropped-cropped-png-1.pngOngoing
KPG001KPG001Bangladesh PPP Support: Technical Support to The Public Private Partnerships Authority to Strengthen the PPP Enabling Environment & Identify A Pipeline of Priority PPP ProjectsOtherAug-2022Jun-2023KPMG indiaOngoing
GIZ006GIZ006Conducting Training on Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Development Planning in BangladeshKnowledge ManagementSep-2022Mar-2023gizOngoing
GIZ007GIZ007Development of Climate Change Project Proposals for International FundingKnowledge ManagementDec-2022May-2023gizOngoing
GCA001GCA001Scale up adaptation for resilient infrastructure, with a focus on building capacity to integrate climate adaptation and resilience into infrastructure projects in BangladeshInformation technologyDec-2022Dec-2024Ongoing
ADB002ADB002Investing in Climate Change Adaptation through Agro-ecological Landscape Restoration: A NatureBased Solution for Climate Resilience-2 Climate Change Risk and Adaptation/Restoration Option Assessment in Bangladesh (53348-001)Loss & DamageDec-2022Feb-2024ADB logo stackedOngoing
BPL001BPL001To Reduce Road Traffic Accidents in Relation to Achieve SDG: Challenges and StrategiesOtherMar-2023May-2024bangladesh policeOngoing
NCM001NCM001USAID's Ecosystem Conservation through Livelihood Improvement and Forest Enhancement (ECO LIFE) ActivityKnowledge ManagementApr-2023Apr-2023NACOMOngoing
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