

Climate change adaptation is the process of adjusting to the adverse effects of a changing climate. It involves implementing strategies like building resilient infrastructure, promoting sustainable practices, and enhancing preparedness to minimize the impacts on ecosystems and communities. Adaptation is essential to cope with the inevitable consequences of climate change.


The principal objective of the study is to prepare a sector-specific climate resilient development and green growth roadmap plan which is expected to be incorporated in the operations of ADB’s Bangladesh Residence Mission (BRM).

Assessing the risk of climate change at the national scale, with disaggregated information on climate change-induced natural hazards, exposure and vulnerability.

Exploring the gap in the national planning trajectory related to mainstreaming climate resilient development.

Delineating the scope for climate resilient development along with framing

Suitable indicators for climate resilient growth in different development sectors

Recommendations: The strategic summary outline for climate smart BRAC recommended as the project outcomes follows:

Microfinance Program: Inclusion of Insurance (micro insurance, service for VOs and community people to transfer the risk)

Education: Development of curricula by sensitizing climate impacts, mitigation and adaptation needs.

Health: Identification of the potential impacts of climate variability and change on human health

Advocacy for Social Change: Application of a rights-based approach to target poor and vulnerable in poverty alleviation, adaptation and mitigation.

BRAC’s Disaster, Environment and Climate Change Program: Risk assessment at local level for developing BRAC’s own climate or disaster risk management program, Introduction of community-based disaster management programmes in each locality



The objective of the study is to prepare district level climate action plans for BRAC’s major programs as well as sensitizing the BRAC staff and other stakeholders about climate impacts and adaptation issues. This study evaluated five selected programmes of BRAC that deal with agriculture & food security, health, microfinance, education and disaster, environment & climate change.

Recommendations: The District Climate Change Action Plan for six districts is the final output of the project. The action plan contains following outputs:


-Identify the disaster risk hypothesis and; Hazard, Exposure & Vulnerability Analysis

-Participatory Vulnerability Analysis (PVA)

-BRAC programme evaluation & SWOT analysis.

-Adaptation Assessment and Strategies


Starting Date

BRAC is a development organization dedicated to the alleviation of poverty by empowering the poor to bring about change in their lives. BRAC was established in Bangladesh in 1972 and over the course of its evolution it has proven itself as a pioneer in recognizing and tackling the many different realities of poverty. 

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