BIO OF MS. Moomtahina Rahman
Ms. Moomtahina Rahman has been working as a Disaster Management Professional at the Centre for Climate Change and Environmental Research (C3ER) of BRAC University. She is involved in the research arena integrating climate change and disaster management here. She graduated in Disaster Science and Climate Resilience from University of Dhaka and obtained her MS from the same department, working on waste management, heavy metal concentration analysis, environmental pollution and health hazards. She has experience in Climate Change, Disaster Risk Management, Climate Modelling, EIA, Heavy Metal Concentration Assessment, Waste Management, Community Based Risk Assessment, Migration, Agriculture and GIS and Remote Sensing-based Assessment.
Ms. Moomtahina joined C3ER, BRAC University in January 2023, where she involved herself in research of climate resilient infrastructure, the vulnerability of ethnic community and migration factors, facilitating building capacity on climate change adaptation into development planning of Bangladesh, climate change health impacts and policy analysis. She is interested in conducting multidisciplinary research and is familiar with project management. She has three publications on agriculture and food security and led projects on Environmental Impact Assessment, waste management and water quality assessment, agriculture and food security, and climate change in Bangladesh.
Before joining C3ER, BRAC University, Ms. Moomtahina worked as a Research Fellow at the Bangladesh Meteorological Department under the World Bank-funded BWCSRP Component – A project on the changing climatic behavior of Bangladesh through climate modeling. She simultaneously facilitated the Storm Warning Centre in the documentation of forecasts. Earlier, she worked as a Mentor at Bangladesh Youth Environmental Initiative (BYEI) in the “Featuring Green Earth’ project. Her key role was capacity and knowledge development of the marginalized community youths through training.
Area Of Interest
- Climate Science
- Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
- Disaster Risk Management
- Climate Modeling and Projection
- Climate Resilient Infrastructure
- Water Quality
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Waste Management
- Sustainable Agriculture
- Policy Review
- Rahman, M., Rahman, M. M.(2024).Study of the Dyeing Industry Pollution after Mandatory Installation of ETP in Madhabdi Municipality, Bangladesh. Water Science, 38(1), 158-171, DOI: 10.1080/23570008.2024.2313874
- Rahman, M., Alauddin, M., Mohsin, G. M., Alam, M. A., & Rahman, M. K. (2024). Combination of composted poultry manure and inorganic fertilizers enhance growth and yield of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) in a rooftop growing system. Journal of Phytology, 16, 28–35. https://doi.org/10.25081/jp.2024.v16.8717
- Alam, M. A., Alauddin, M.,Rahman, M., Alauddin, M., Rahman, M. S., Mohsin, G. M., and Rahman, M. K. (2023).Vermicompost induced growth and yield performance of capsicum (Capsicum annuum L.) at sustainable rooftop farming system. Journal of Phytology, 15, 94–100. https://doi.org/10.25081/jp.2023.v15.7914
- Rahman, M., Alauddin, M., & Ali, A. H. M. Z. (2021). Growth and yield performance of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa) under various doses of vermicompost and NPK fertilizers grown at rooftop of Charfasson area in the southern parts of Bangladesh. Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences, 30(2), 283–292. https://doi.org/10.3329/dujbs.v30i2.54653
- Mohsin, G., Alauddin, M., Rahman, M., Uddin, M., Meem, F., Ali, A. H. M. Z., Rahman, M., & Rahman, M. (2019). Interactive effects of phosphorus and potassium on biomass production and accumulation of nitrogen in field grown mungbean (Vigna radiata L.). International Journal of Agricultural Research, Innovation and Technology, 9(1), 14–17. https://doi.org/10.3329/ijarit.v9i1.42944
Conference Abstract
- Rahman, M., Tabassum, T.,Oishi, M.S., Hossain, M.M., Kabir, M., Nipa, S.N., Khanum, R., and Nishat, A. (2023,15-17 June). Climate Change Impact on Livelihood Options: A Case Study on Kurigram District,Bangladesh [Conference Abstract]. First International Conference on the Art of Social Changes (ICASC) organized by Rabindra University Bangladesh, Sirajganj.
- Rahman, M., Alauddin, M., Majumdar,S., Syed, M.,Abrar,M. M. A., and Rahman, M. K.(2023, May 02-03). Assessment of Some Heavy Metal Contamination in Paddy Soil and Accumulation in T. Aman Rice (Oryza sativa L.) on the South Coast and Offshore Islands of Bangladesh [Conference Abstract]. First International Symposium on Environment Pollution and Risk Management organized by Linnaeus University and University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Oyshi, J. T.,Rouf, I. I., Rahman, M., Oishi, M. S., Nipa,S. N.,Khanum, R., and Nishat, A. (2023, June 21- 22).Gender Inclusion for Formulation and Advancement of National Adaptation Plan Process in Bangladesh [Poster Presentation]. BIGD International Conference: Making Digital Finance Work for Women, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Magazine Article
- Rahman, M.(2017).Mora A Cyclone [Scientific Magazine Article]. Biggan Chinta, 1(9), 37.
Projects Involvement
Project List
- Facilitating A Study on the Disaster Preparedness of 114 Formal Primary Schools and Its Communities under the project “Future-oriented and high-quality education in disaster-prone areas of Bangladesh (SWAPNO)”
- Climate Change Induced Mental Health Problems in the Coastal Region of Bangladesh
- Consultancy to Support the Bangladesh Component of a Multi-Country Case Study on the Opportunities and Challenges to Engage Diaspora in Climate Action (Category B)
- Inclusive Impact Chain Analysis for Risk-Informed Development Planning for Health care Sector in Bangladesh, (ICA & RID) Project
- Impact of Climate Change on RMG Workers in Bangladesh
- Climate Adaptation and Climate-Driven Migration in South Asia: Building an International Research Network for Long-Term Impact
- Scale Up Adaptation for Resilient Infrastructure, With A Focus on Building Capacity to Integrate Climate Adaptation And Resilience Into Infrastructure Projects In Bangladesh
- Development of Climate Change Project Proposals for International Funding
- Conducting Training on Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Development Planning in Bangladesh
- Background Paper and National Stakeholder Dialogue on Private Sector engagement in Climate Actions: Focus on Private Sector Investment in AFOLU Sector
- Ethnic Communities in Bangladesh: Their struggle against adverse impacts of Climate Change
- Spatio-temporal Variability of Rainfall and Temperature to Detect the Changing Behaviour of Climate in Bangladesh
- Digital Literacy & Online Safety by BRAC Education Programme
- Heavy Metal Status of Paddy Soil and T. Aman Rice (Oryza sativa L.) at the South Coast and Offshore Islands of Bangladesh
- Capacity Assessment of Community Clinic Support and Information Hub Project
- Earth Champions Program (ECP)
- Featuring Green Earth
- Dean’s Merit Award, Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Dhaka for Bachelor’s Result 2024
- National Science and Technology Fellowship by the Ministry of Science and Technology 2022
- National Disaster Science and Technology Seminar, Research Presentation Award 2022
- The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Gold Standard 2022
- The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Bronze Standard 2018
- The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Bronze Standard 2017
- Co-winner of Challenge Fest Contest by OXFAM Empire Youth for Work 2017
- Education Board Scholarship for HSC Result 2015
- Education Board Scholarship for SSC Result 2013