The USAID ClimAct Activity Workplan Workshop, a three-day event dedicated to the Climate Action for Transformation in Bangladesh (ClimAct) project, took place from 15th to 17th October 2024 at the Renaissance Dhaka Gulshan Hotel. Organized by Winrock International, the workshop brought together key partners, including the Centre for Climate Change and Environmental Research (C3ER), BRAC University, the International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD), and the Center for Environmental and Geographic Information Services (CEGIS). Participants also included USAID officials, government representatives, private sector professionals, and NGO personnel. The workshop focused on generating ideas for effective project implementation, increasing understanding of ClimAct’s goals, and fostering knowledge-sharing among stakeholders. On the first day, representatives from Winrock International and partner organizations introduced themselves, outlining their roles, objectives, and areas of expertise. They discussed the importance of achieving net-zero carbon emissions and enhancing climate resilience in Bangladesh.

The second day featured presentations by representatives from Winrock International, USAID, C3ER, ICCCAD, and government bodies, including the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change. Dr. Ainun Nishat, Advisor at C3ER, delivered a presentation on C3ER’s expertise and contributions. The discussions focused on transforming economic and financial systems to support climate action, particularly through innovative approaches to climate finance. On the final day, discussions centered on policy shifts, improved governance, and citizen engagement to promote climate resilience. A key activity was a poll where participants voted on five critical climate hotspots for ClimAct to prioritize. The workshop concluded with Winrock International expressing gratitude for the participants’ engagement and optimism for the project’s successful implementation over the next five years.